I should think that ancient Jerusalem would have been made of more than just bland looking mud bricks and stone. Looking down from what looked (to modern me) to be a bridge or a parapet, onto an area outside the city where a roman soldier was standing guard my only thought was that we would be defenseless against Rome.
I was concerned about the number of places where an enemy could easily gain access.
I don't remember if I saw my self in a mirror or not, but I was overweight with a white beard, and hair that I imagined to be almost to my shoulders. The clothing was simple, white/off white and old. I was old.
In this dream I wasn't King, I was more of a high priest, responsible for the welfare of the city and it's defenses.
This odd snippet included the small dimly lit room that I slept in and it's stone walls. I remember knowing that I had the option of having a young woman stay the night with me. An option I declined.
I tried to remember my name, and it came to me: Caiaphas.
Recollections from the night. Dreams of life in space; mystical practices and visitations. Visit: Jaundiced Eye
Mountain Village Cobblestone Streets
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