I awoke from a nightmare of ALIENS from outer space! Much like movies I used to see at the Pix as a child with the sky full of very metallic looking saucers.
This might suggest where my science fiction dreams come from.
But the aliens weren't sticking around, they were dropping large numbers of other aliens that they considered vermin.
The vermin were about as big as the body and head of a man. Hairy and ugly, they lacked limbs. They were completely helpless but we had to take care of them. They weren't remotely human. Although they had two eyes in the right part of the face, but just looking into them you knew we were not related.
Oddly, each one had an IQ over 200.
Well, we had to deal with all these wretches. But if they were vermin and brilliant what did that make us?
Recollections from the night. Dreams of life in space; mystical practices and visitations. Visit: Jaundiced Eye
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