About a dozen years ago I had a very strange dream where I was naked and lying down on my back. A butcher knife sized thin sheet of metal obtruded from within my abdomen upwards and stretching the skin, pierced it while I watched in utter disbelief and horror.
Within a month I was having my appendix removed via laparoscopic surgery and a little surgical device, I was told afterward, jutted out of my abdomen for one of the incisions.
Last night I dreamed I was in a locker room which opened through a wide entryway onto a swimming pool. It was busy. People seemed to be coming and jumping into the pool some with their clothing on ignoring the lockers – I saw suits, uniforms and other outfits although other people seemed unclothed.
I couldn’t bring myself to wear my clothing into it, so I stripped down to my under shorts and jumped in. The water wasn't soapy but it was milky white. The pool itself and the room it was in was in shadow with no lights above, on the walls or in the water . The light came from the door that I had come in and the entryway on the far side of the pool.
The pool room and entryways were tiled in white bathroom tile and there were fully clothed people waiting and milling around on the much larger floor space on the side opposite the one I had come in, as if they were waiting for people.
People were piling in on the side I had entered and hurrying across it, sloshing and wading. Although the locker room had not seemed busy, when I looked back towards the entrance a lot of people were moving through. All the traffic was moving in one direction.
The pool wasn’t very deep, maybe a couple of feet, but I felt naked and wished I had brought some swimming shorts. I sloshed around for a while thinking the water was for washing and I could get clean in there. Not even thinking about it I made my way to the other side; keeping my shorts under the water. I seemed to be the only one taking my time.
Feeling embarrassed, I reached the other side too ashamed to stand, so I crawled up the steps and found myself lying on my back looking up at the people milling around.
A sheet must have been put over me from the neck down, because I no longer felt undressed. A pair of swimming trunks appeared miraculously within easy reach. I was about to put them on when I looked up and saw several young women directly in front of me sitting on those fold away metal chairs so common in church basement meeting rooms and talking to each other. They didn't seem to be paying attention to me, but I felt too embarrassed to get up and try to put the trunks on because it would demonstrate how naked I was under the sheet.
One of the women directly in front of me was a stunning short haired blond, in a black dress that came to her knees. I had never seen her before and I wondered who she was. The other people seemed dressed up too.
There was a separation between a couple of the chairs in front, as though there was an aisle down the middle of a large room full of chairs. I was in front of the first row and in the middle; with my feet in the direction of the aisle. I seemed to be lower than everyone there.
The scene had shifted without my noticing and I was no longer at the pool. when I looked up at these women, it seemed as though something was about to begin, but I couldn’t figure out what.
Recollections from the night. Dreams of life in space; mystical practices and visitations. Visit: Jaundiced Eye
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