It is a cold winter night and a small amount of ice is on the ground. Trees limbs are bare on a side street in a hilly campus area with wide lawns covered with dead grass.
I am the only person walking down a sidewalk beside rows of parked cars. The streets seem abandoned and I pull my long tweed coat closer against the cold.
When I look up into the night sky there is a bright blue world the color of a gas flame surrounded by a deep blue corona where I expect to see the moon. Uranus, perhaps?
I look across the lawn at a large brick building. It groans as it begins to lose it's grip on it's foundation. It pauses a moment as if taking stock and begins to slowly rise.
Other things begin to lose their mooring as the great world above us swings by in orbit - rocks, cars - the earth itself and I desperate and clinging to a tree feel myself falling in the direction of the sky.
Recollections from the night. Dreams of life in space; mystical practices and visitations. Visit: Jaundiced Eye
Mountain Village Cobblestone Streets
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