Dropping like a stone from an enormous height can be quite exhilarating. I don’t remember seeing any parachute lines. I was wearing the same light khaki uniform that I had on while I was on what seemed an enormous airship or spaceship; although given the other hardware I was now looking at I would vote for airship.
The room on the airship had been large, much like a large meeting room; auditorium or hangar deck. I remember walking around a bit, checking my uniform and talking to people before informally expediting the take-off. I was excited, and eventually went back to my seat and looked across the room through a mirror at myself. The uniform I had on was summer weight and was a military uniform although not like any I know of. I didn't notice any rank insignia; maybe I was of such a low rank I didn’t merit any. As I looked closer at my young and somewhat Asian face my hands went back to my extremely long hair and held it up: it was about three feet long and was blond for a swath that started just above the above my head to about six inches from the end; but otherwise was nut brown: my natural color.
But back to that free fall: there I was looking down at a firefight of sorts with aircraft that had design features from propeller driven aircraft about Vietnam War vintage, except that the main wings were unusually short and ended in rectangular box like structures out of which came the thrust that moved the aircraft forward. I did not see any propellers; just the boxes where they would be. I wondered how they could stay airborne. All the aircraft were designed this way.
It was quite a vista with clouds seen from above, a couple of aircraft with guns out and active below me; and of coarse the green of fields and jungle or forest below. And the occasional object flying at me; one of which I recognized as resembling an old sidewinder heat seeking missile. Other things flew at me which I gratefully avoided.
Recollections from the night. Dreams of life in space; mystical practices and visitations. Visit: Jaundiced Eye
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