I have at times the distasteful pleasure of being other people in my dreams. From time to time I know who they are and the events can unfortunately be real.
I was my brother once during a visit from my schizophrenic sister as he was seeing her to a Greyhound bus to send her back to California. I was one of my nieces and caught a glimpse of the relationship between her and her father.
This was a dream of somebody I didn't know personally at all and never came into personal contact with.
There is an enormous military installation, underground, so secret it is only shown to certain Presidents. A seemingly industrial setting, and I shall have to rely on a few brief memories (from the President's mind):
Imagine a stocky Southerner in his mid 50's, short hair, a short sleeve white shirt and dark tie who exudes that special down home comfort and Christian certainty. He's leaning with his hand against a rail, utterly at ease on what looks like either a raised platform or the top of a flight of metal stairs and he is explaining some of the local capabilities to a newly elected US President like he might talk about his fishing tackle: genetic engineering from alien DNA, human-alien hybrids, anti-gravity, the list is quite extensive.
The last thing I remember is him nodding and saying in that special down home way: “We read minds, too.” Giving away the fact that he wasn't quite all human himself.
Somewhere nearby by I saw a tall very thin gentleman of ordinary northern latitude Caucasian complexion in dress blue Air Force uniform walking along without a patch of hair on his head and a hat size much too big for regular folks.
Recollections from the night. Dreams of life in space; mystical practices and visitations. Visit: Jaundiced Eye
Mountain Village Cobblestone Streets
Imagine a village in the mountains somewhere. Cobblestone streets, so I'm thinking Europe. It's hilly, and the street is narrow. ...
Rising above the beautiful blue and cloudy face of Earth can be an inspiring and uplifting experience, and in this dream some are lucky enou...
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