
Immigrant nation

I was dreaming that I was a young man in a computer programming class talking about an object to another student.  I told him  to just look in the object for something.

That part of the program, which we were calling an object was on a page in a book, as opposed to it being on a computer screen.

Now I don't know what kind of computer language it was, but objects pretty much act like objects.  They get instantiated, which is a quasi religious word for what happens to a class when it becomes an object.   And other stuff happens when that happens.  It has memory allocated, internal things are built.

But while that was happening I was thinking about how crowded things were, how my car resembled something from the 1940's even though it was a Toyoda, and how I had a small apartment with a garage.

The country was an immigrant nation in a big way, with people from India and Hispanics making up the bulk of the population.

Although in the dream I was white, I was definitely in the minority.  Not that it was a problem.  I was able to make my way in the world just fine. In fact, my girl friend looked like she was of Indian descent.  

Aerie Dreams

Mountain Village Cobblestone Streets

Imagine a village in the mountains somewhere.  Cobblestone streets, so I'm thinking Europe. It's hilly, and the street is narrow. ...