Recollections from the night. Dreams of life in space; mystical practices and visitations. Visit: Jaundiced Eye
Lines on a Bone White Face
I dreamed about someone who didn't fit into the usual racial categories. A young woman with unnatural looking horizontal lines on her face that ran parallel less than half inch apart.
Her face had Caucasian features with bleach white skin, her open eyes dark brown or black with dark brown hair.
I presume that she was dead as she lay on her side on the grass under a tree.
There was a man nearby who had stepped off of what looked like a topless four wheel drive vehicle. He was balding with short hair on on the sides of his head.
He looked so much like us.
Aerie Dreams
Mountain Village Cobblestone Streets
Imagine a village in the mountains somewhere. Cobblestone streets, so I'm thinking Europe. It's hilly, and the street is narrow. ...
Rising above the beautiful blue and cloudy face of Earth can be an inspiring and uplifting experience, and in this dream some are lucky enou...
The film was in color, and the picture was of a young man bathing in a river or lake or sea, there was a lot of sky in the background and th...
I must have asked why the US won the Cold War. Because someone answered with a question: Which was the most modern country on the world sta...