
Near Colliding Worlds

I really find it disturbing when I look up during the day, expecting to see blue sky and see a big blue world overhead.

It's disturbing because its gravity moves things and pulls at things, and people.

A great blue world much larger than the Earth came meandering into Earth's orbit and came close enough to cause seas to rise and pull the person I was in the dream out of their beach chair.

Then I changed perspective and saw it from space, passing the Earth and changing our orbit so that it was slightly further from the Sun.

This is the second disturbing dream I've had about a near collision between Earth and what looks like a blue gas giant.  

The end of the dream was filled with the idea that we as a species need to explore space seriously and have a significant number of us live on another world such as Mars and in space itself so that we aren't all all on this one planet.

Aerie Dreams

Mountain Village Cobblestone Streets

Imagine a village in the mountains somewhere.  Cobblestone streets, so I'm thinking Europe. It's hilly, and the street is narrow. ...