I'm wondering if the disturbing dreams that I've been having are about the future.
One of the dreams, back in the early '90s was about the coming ice age.
I was a Canadian businessman who stepped off of a train, looked around and the landscape was covered in ice, the train did not run on tracks but the outside of the cars was cylindrical with screw like strips around the outside so that when it rotated the train would move either forward or backward.
I knew it was the future because the train platform was from the 20th century and I was a little in awe to be on something from that century. And when I had the dream it I was still living in the 20th century.
I've dreamed about the moon being colonized, but initially an outpost to mine the regolith, then cities.
Mars is terraformed, I was in one of the crews of people planting conifers, and dying because it was such a hostile environment.
There is a large blue planet coming close to the earth.
Looking up, expecting to see the moon, I saw a large blue world, and thought that it might be a gas giant. It was the right color of blue. It's gravity was pulling things off of the earth's surface, and they were drifting upwards.
That initial dream was in the '90s. I don't remember if I was living in California or if I had moved to North Carolina yet.
But in the last six months I've had two dreams from space where I see a large blue planet, maybe four or five times the size of earth, coming close to the earth and causing it's orbit to change.
The planet sort of fits the description of Uranus or Neptune; but I'm not sure that the color is quite right and the planet in my dream is smaller than images of Uranus or Neptune with images of Earth next to them.
It appears to come from the outer reaches of the solar system, and I view it from space,which may mean that there is some human or quasi-human observer viewing it.
But I have no idea of when this happens or how it affects life overall on the planet. Or for that matter how the new orbit is different from the old.
Aerie Dreams
Recollections from the night. Dreams of life in space; mystical practices and visitations. Visit: Jaundiced Eye
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