
Is this My Memory, or Someone else's?

I think this falls into the category of "science fiction" dream, and I can't decide whether it's some distant memory of my soul, or someone else's experience.

It's a dream of an undeveloped planet with people on it.  They're regular people, but they all look brown; kind of a dark brown. 

It's warm, they wear clothing but it doesn't cover all that much.

The environment has a lot of bushes, but I don't see tall trees.  I don't see buildings,but I my experience was brief.  I think the people were too primitive for buildings.

I'm thinking, in the dream, that it's kind of strange and a new experience to be on a planet with so few people. 

Understanding that I'm from someplace else.

I'm there to teach, I'm thinking that these people need to understand some things about mathematics, and other things before they can develop civilizations.

I don't know if it was Earth a very long time ago or not.  I don't know where I was from.

Aerie Dreams

Mountain Village Cobblestone Streets

Imagine a village in the mountains somewhere.  Cobblestone streets, so I'm thinking Europe. It's hilly, and the street is narrow. ...